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My name is Mehdi, I'm young biologist passionate about wildlife, travel and photography .


Born in 1991, in Neuilly-sur-Marne (suburbs of Paris), I mainly spent my childhood  in a town in the center of France, named Bourges.


Always fascinated by wildlife and nature, I decided to study related to the environment and more specifically to the biodiversity conservation. So, my studies would allow me to make my passion, my job.


I decided to direct me to obtaining a Master in Biodiversity Conservation. But, wanting to travel, I used my studied to journey in France or abroad. Furthermore, it's in 2012 that I did my first trip : first time that I left the country alone, that I took the airplane.. It was to go in Senegal! It's after this adventure that my addiction of journey started and became an important part of my live.


On my return, I decided to finish my Licence of Biologie in the University of La Rochelle and continue on a Master, as I wanted at the beginning. But in parallel, my desire to travel was increasingly involved and strong. So, during my master, I seized the opportunities: gone a few days in Spain (for the holidays), a few weeks in Italy (for work) and a few months in Croatia (for my master thesis) ...


September 2015, I'm finally my Master degree and free of all obligation (which I had imposed), I'm fully available to satisfy my passions and thus see the world. As it is rightly said in one of my favorite movies: ""To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life." (The secret life of Walter Mitty, 2013).

Why?! Simply for two reasons! The first, share my adventures and journeys through my writings, photos and videos .. The second, and not least, make you want to travel! Or just live your passions, as I try to do.


On this site, you'll discover my various travels, whether for vacation, work related to the biology conservation or my favorite items. With my albums, you will find a set of places which, I hope, very nice for your eyes. In more, being passionate about wildlife, particularly by reptiles, you will also have the opportunity to see a set of photos of the encountered biodiversity.


Feel free to leave me your impressions on my website, my pictures, etc.. with "Contact me" or comments


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